
Innovative industry technology

How to adjust small thermal protector


Many users judge whether the standard of small temperature switches, temperature controllers, temperature control meters, humidity controllers, small thermal protectors and other good or bad standards can control the temperature well. There are many control methods of the current temperature controller, such as two-position control and PID fuzzy control. The two-position control instrument generally has a large overshoot. For example: the temperature is set at 200, and the two-position control method waits for the temperature to reach 200 before powering down the heating device, but the heating device itself has a residual temperature, and the temperature will continue to rise. Go, as to how many degrees Celsius the process is, it depends on the heating speed of the heating equipment. The small temperature switch controlled by PID is not such an effect.
1. Switch to smart mini protector because it has PID auto-tuning function. When using the device, as long as the auto-tuning function is turned on, the temperature switch of the smart mini thermal protector will change the parameters according to the heating rate of the device.
2. Switch to a sensor with high accuracy and fast response speed.
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