
Innovative industry technology

Knowledge of mold accessories


        Mold parts refer to the parts or components of the assembled mold; they can also refer to the mold parts or components that are reinstalled after damage. Precision molds are generally composed of many parts, which can be divided into two categories: process parts and structural parts. Process parts directly affect the quality of molded products, and the current precision mold parts of the decisive quality of process parts are completed by means of precision machining. The precision machining process is related to the life of precision molds and molded products. In the precision machining stage of precision mold parts processing, in addition to using slow wire cutting, EDM and other technical means, the other method is after semi-finishing. Grinding processing based on heat treatment.

        So in the grinding process of precision mold parts processing, many technical parameters such as deformation, internal stress, shape tolerance and dimensional accuracy of parts need to be well controlled. In the specific production practice, the operation is more difficult, but in Dongguan City Shili and 15 years of precision machining experience, we can summarize and analyze the methods that can be used for reference: First, control the precision mold parts processing from the precision machining process of the mold, we It can adapt to different mold parts, different materials, different shapes and different technical requirements to provide selective solutions. Through the control of the processing process, to achieve better processing results and economy is the focus of most precision mold parts processing companies. The process of precision mold parts processing is generally: roughing-semi-finishing-(quenching, quenching and tempering)-precision grinding-electrical machining-fitter trimming-assembly processing.
       There are three main types of machine tools used in the grinding process of precision mold parts processing: surface grinders, internal and external cylindrical grinders and tool forming grinding machines. When finishing grinding, it is necessary to strictly control the appearance of grinding deformation and grinding cracks, even microscopic cracks on the surface of the workpiece, otherwise it will gradually show up in subsequent work. Therefore, the amount of feed during precision grinding should be small, cooling should be sufficient during grinding, the coolant medium should be selected as much as possible, and parts with a machining allowance of 0.01 mm should be ground at a constant temperature as much as possible.
       The grinding wheel should be repaired in time to maintain the sharpness of the grinding wheel. When the grinding wheel is passivated, it will slip, score, squeeze on the surface of the workpiece, causing burns, micro cracks or grooves on the surface of the workpiece, which is significant for future use. To reduce utility. Most of the processing of discs and plates are processed by surface grinders, and it is difficult to process thin and long plates. Before the processing, under the strong attraction of the magnetic table of the grinding machine, the workpiece originally had a certain bending to produce a straight deformation, which was close to the surface of the table. After grinding, the workpiece deformed and recovered under the original stress. The thickness of the workpiece was consistent when measured. However, due to the deformation recovery, the flatness can not meet the requirements of the precision mold parts processing. The solution is to use a constant height iron pad under the workpiece before grinding, and block the workpiece around to prevent the workpiece from moving around. The amount of the knife should be small, and the reference plane can be completed by multiple passes. After the reference plane is processed, the reference plane can be used to attract the magnetic table. The grinding method described above can improve the flatness of most workpieces.
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