
Innovative industry technology

What is the role of Zhishui tablets?


According to the different materials used in the product, it can be divided into: natural rubber waterstop, neoprene waterstop, nitrile rubber waterstop, EPDM waterstop, plastic (PVC) waterstop and rubber-plastic stop Hose etc.
According to the different structure, it can be divided into: CB type rubber waterstop, CP type rubber waterstop, EB type rubber waterstop, EP type rubber waterstop. According to the different installation methods, it can be divided into: mid-buried waterstop, externally attached waterstop, detachable waterstop
The functions (functions) of most water-stop tablets are:
Rubber waterstops use the characteristics of rubber's high elasticity and compression deformation to produce elastic deformation under various loads, thereby effectively tightening and sealing, preventing water leakage, water leakage and shock absorption of building structures.
In the architectural design of general larger projects, construction joints, settlement joints and deformation joints are required to be left due to continuous casting, ground deformation, or thermal expansion and contraction of concrete members caused by temperature changes. The place must be installed with water treatment to prevent water leakage.
The rubber waterstop is mainly used for the foundation works that are integrated in the construction joints and deformation joints with the concrete structure when the concrete is poured, such as underground facilities, tunnel culverts, water conveying aqueducts, water retaining dams, and liquid storage structures.
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